martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Along the years, many different teaching methods have been developed whether to face students needs or to match the requirements of a new administration, all of them claiming to be the best option to teach English.

  •      How to structure the physical environment
  •     How to structure the emotional environment
  •     The role of self-esteem in the classroom

Structuring the Physical Environment
Konza, Grainger & Bradshaw (2001) in their book, Classroom Management: "A Survival Guide explain that the physical environment of a classroom explains a lot about your expectations as a teacher."
  •     Desk arrangements
  •     Student placement
  •     Classroom decoration
  •     Music in the classroom

Desk Arrangement
      Remember, all seating arrangements should accommodate an inclusive learning environment
      Foreman (1996) notes that "some classrooms may require free and quiet spaces to facilitate learning"

Student Placement
  •       Place easily distracted students away from each other, doorways, windows and areas of high traffic
  •       Preferably, place to one side of the classroom, close to the front
  •       An inclusive classroom should place students in areas of the class best suited to their needs

Classroom Decoration
  •       Students like to see their own work displayed, even in High Schools
  •       Class-made posters help students develop a sense of belonging to the classroom
  •       Plants and animals can have positive effects on the classroom (Nicholls, 2006)

Music in the Classroom
  •       Music can be a great addition to any classroom
  Use as reward
  Create positive mood
  Helps broaden musical experiences
  •       In inclusive classroom music can:
Comfort/calm and help focus (some students)

Structuring the Emotional Environment
“It is the teacher’s responsibility to value each and every one of the students in their class, so that each student feels special and important.” (Groundwater-Smith et al, 1998, p. 95)
  •      The bond between a teacher and student is much more important for students with management and behavioural issues such as ADHD and Asperger’s.
  •       ADHD :      Students need extra motivation so they can maintain attention, work consistently, and avoid boredom associated with repetitive tasks. (eg. Maths)
  •       Asperger’s:       A bond with the teacher can encourage, inspire and greatly assist them.

Knowing and Liking You
  •      Who you are
  •       What you stand for
  •       What you will ask them to do
  •       What you will not ask them to do
  •       What you will do for them
  •       What you will not do for them

  •       Greet students personally
  •       Make frequent eye contact
  •       Negotiate rules and routines with students
  •       Acknowledge positive behaviours
  •       Use positive language
  •       Interact with students outside the classroom
  •      Minimise embarrassment
  •       Use humour
  •       Use bibliotherapy
  •       Use class meetings (Konza et al, 2001, p.30-33)
  •       Take home buddies
  •       Yellow pages (Lacey, 2006, p.31)
  •       Pro-social values
  •       Coping skills
  •       Courage
  •       Managing feelings
  •       Social Skills
  •       Goal achievement (SMART)
  •       Evidence-based self-knowledge

Self-esteem Defined
      An individual's sense of their value or worth, or the extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates, prizes, or likes him or herself (Blascovich &  Tomaka, 1991).
      A favourable or unfavourable attitude toward the self (Rosenberg, 1965).

Self-esteem Breakdown
  •       Earned Self-esteem: develops when students have accomplished something worthwhile or behaved in a personally or socially responsible way.
      A product of achievement, not the cause
      Achievement leads to self-esteem

  •       Global Self-esteem: a general sense of pride in oneself.
      Not necessarily a reality-based evaluation
      Self-esteem leads to achievement

Implications for Teachers?
  •       Don’t disregard self-esteem
  •       Focus on techniques that will result in increased earned self-esteem
  •       Don't shield students from feelings of sadness, frustration, and anxiety when they lose, fail or make mistakes
  •       Teach resiliency and self-control

Looking for a tutorial on How To Be An Excellent Teacher? This practical tutorial explains accurately how it's done, and will help you get good at teaching methods

  •       It is impossible or at least very difficult, to use only one method in an English class.
  •       Therefore, we will say we use an Eclectic Approach by applying what we think is the best option to help our students.
  •       Variety and Flexibility are the most important features to implement in a class, in any class.
  •       There is not a quintessential method nor an activity: it all depends on the teacher’s style and the student’s needs.
  •       Keeping updated in teaching stuff is a “must”.

I´ve found this link with some ideas for classroom management

Sources of Information

      Baigent, M. (2003) Vocabulary development strategies for teachers and learners 

    Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (1986:45-47)

    Richards, J and Rogers (2nd Edition, 2001) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

My reflection

I´ve always wanted to be a teacher. Or at least since I have memory.

I think it was when I had seven or eigth years when I decided what I wanted to be.
It was not because of the respect we have for our teachers, not for their marvelous and shinning white jacket, but for what their role meant for me.
I admired most of my teachers because I think they have that potential in their soul to leave in a class. And I expect to do so. I wish to be not only someone who transmit knowledge but also life and ligth, because being a teacher is being an infinite source of light and magic, not as a fairy that can change the world with a wand, but as a person capable of sharing a little of his/her soul with students.
It is a sensitive person who can be a player, a monitor, a companion, a father or a mother in transmiting love and patience.
My words can sound or look as old fashioned, but it is what I always saw. A teacher is a person capable of being human and be whatever he/she wanted to be.
Someone who is able and not afraid of explode all his/her potential in helping someone to understand simple and complicated things in life. Because that is it the main challenge.
I think it could be great to let my students know about what they want to know, in every language, the fact is to grow, mentally and spiritualy.
Sometimes it looks impossible for a simple human being, but sometimes only a smile or a “well done” can encourage everyone to do what it has to do; in the same way; a bad sign or a shout can result as the worst bound in our souls.
It´s always neccesary to recognize the importance of the teacher role. As the natural resources, teachers have to be renovated and not contaminated. It is really difficult to think in not be touched by those kind of things that can damage our personality. And also, it is difficult to transmit this to the students, who are always surrounded by toxics, as the bad use of technology, the bad use of media in general, the abandomn of their parents or family who have to work long hours, the contamination of their thoughts  day by day, the loose of their innocence, the pervertion in the world. All these things makes them feel as we can feel. Alone, or incomprehensible, or just a tiny point  in a huge and amazing world.
So why not think that as they are, we are, just one thing, a society, in which the knowledge of the language and the life in general has to be shared. To be one and to do our best for everyone.
Utopian words? Craziest ideas have you ever read? May be, but it is my challenge. 
And I will do it.

To my dearest partners and teachers: I wish you the best. It was great to meet you all.

Since I started attending classes to now, I have met a lot of students, good partners, and friends. Some of them changed their mind and their carrer, others just have left, there are also those who  let them fall, and finally, WE, that keep moving. So please, KEEP MOVING! Don’t let you down and you will success.

And finally I want to share with you two beautiful phrases:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” 
 Nelson Mandela

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
 Mahatma Gandhi

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